OpenCBDC Transaction Processor
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ccbdc::atomizer::aggregate_tx_notificationTransaction notification message with a full set of input attestations
 Ccbdc::atomizer::aggregate_tx_notify_requestBatch of aggregate transaction notifications
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::rpc::apply_responseEmpty type for the apply response
 Ccbdc::watchtower::async_clientClient to asynchronously request information from the watchtower
 Ccbdc::sentinel::async_interfaceInterface for an asynchronous sentinel
 Ccbdc::sentinel::rpc::async_serverAsynchronous RPC server for a sentinel
 Ccbdc::atomizer::atomizerAtomizer implementation
 Ccbdc::watchtower::best_block_height_requestRequest the watchtower's known best block height
 Ccbdc::watchtower::best_block_height_responseContains the watchtower's known best block height
 Ccbdc::atomizer::blockBatch of compact transactions settled by the atomizer
 Ccbdc::watchtower::block_cacheStores a set of blocks in memory and maintains an index of the UHS IDs contained therein
 Ccbdc::watchtower::blocking_clientClient to synchronously request information from the watchtower
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< T, Q >Thread-safe producer-consumer FIFO queue supporting multiple concurrent producers and consumers
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< cbdc::atomizer::tx_notify_request >
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< cbdc::network::message_t >
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< request_type >
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< size_t >
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< size_t, std::greater<> >
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< std::function< void()> >
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< std::shared_ptr< cbdc::buffer > >
 Ccbdc::blocking_queue_internal< std::shared_ptr< cbdc::watchtower::response > >
 Ccbdc::bufferBuffer to store and retrieve byte data
 Ccbdc::cache_set< K, H >Thread-safe set with a maximum size
 Ccbdc::cache_set< hash_t, cbdc::hashing::null >
 Ccbdc::archiver::clientRetrieves blocks from a remote archiver via the network
 Ccbdc::clientExternal client for sending new transactions to the system
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::rpc::clientRPC client for an agent
 Ccbdc::rpc::client< Request, Response >Generic RPC client
 Ccbdc::rpc::client< request, response >
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::commit_requestCommit request message
 Ccbdc::transaction::compact_txA condensed, hash-only transaction representation
 Ccbdc::parsec::configConfiguration parameters for a phase two system
 Ccbdc::network::connection_managerManages a group of peer s
 Ccbdc::hashing::const_sip_hash< T >SipHash function to generate STL data structure hash keys for system IDs
 Ccbdc::hashing::const_sip_hash< buffer >
 Ccbdc::hashing::const_sip_hash< cbdc::buffer >
 Ccbdc::archiver::controllerWrapper for the archiver executable implementation
 Ccbdc::atomizer::controllerWrapper for the atomizer raft executable implementation
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::controllerManages a replicated locking shard using Raft
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::controllerManages a replicated runtime locking shard using Raft
 Ccbdc::parsec::ticket_machine::controllerManages a replicated ticket machine using Raft
 Ccbdc::shard::controllerWrapper for the shard executable implementation
 Ccbdc::watchtower::controllerWrapper for the watchtower executable implementation
 Ccbdc::coordinator::controller::coordinator_stateCurrent state of distributed transactions managed by a coordinator
 Ccbdc::coordinator::state_machine::coordinator_stateUsed to store dtxs, which phase they are in and relevant data require for recovery
 Ccbdc::rpc::curl_initializerClass for performing libcurl global initialization
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::rpc::discard_paramsEmpty type for discard command parameters
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::rpc::discard_responseEmpty type for the discard response
 Ccbdc::coordinator::distributed_txClass to manage a single distributed transaction (dtx) batch between shards
 Ccbdc::watchtower::error_cacheStores a set of internal transaction errors in memory, indexed by Tx ID and UHS ID
 Ccbdc::rpc::event_handlerEvent handler interface for tracking events on non-blocking file descriptors
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_access_tupleType for tracking storage key accesses between accounts
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_accountEVM account type
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_dryrun_txDry-run EVM transaction type
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_logEVM log output type
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_log_indexIndex data for evm logs
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_log_queryDescribes the parameters of a query on EVM logs - used to transfer these parameters from the getLogs API method to the runner
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_pretend_blockEVM pretend block is a pairing of the blocknumber (equal to the ticket number) and the transactions (currently always a single one) "inside the block" (executed by that ticket)
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_sigEVM signature type
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_txEVM transaction type
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::evm_tx_receiptEVM transaction receipt type
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::rpc::exec_requestAgent contract execution RPC request message
 Ccbdc::sentinel::execute_responseSentinel response message
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::factory< T >Runner factory for agents to intiantiate new runners of a particular type while only worrying about the runner interface
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::finish_requestFinish request message
 Ccbdc::transaction::full_txA complete transaction
 Ccbdc::atomizer::get_block_requestRetrieve cached block request
 Ccbdc::atomizer::get_block_responseAtomizer state machine response from get block request
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::get_tickets_requestGet tickets request message
 Ccbdc::rpc::headerRPC request and response header
 Ccbdc::transaction::inputAn input for a new transaction
 Ccbdc::transaction::validation::input_errorAn error that may occur when sentinels validate inputs
 Ccbdc::coordinator::interfaceInterface for a coordinator
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::interfaceInterface for a locking shard
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::interfaceInterface for an agent
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::interfaceInterface for a contract runner
 Ccbdc::parsec::broker::interfaceInterface for a broker
 Ccbdc::parsec::directory::interfaceInterface for a directory. Maps keys to shard IDs
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::interfaceInterface for a runtime locking shard
 Ccbdc::parsec::ticket_machine::interfaceTicket machine interface
 Ccbdc::sentinel::interfaceInterface for a sentinel
 Ccbdc::rpc::json_rpc_http_clientAsynchronous HTTP JSON-RPC client implemented using libcurl
 Ccbdc::rpc::json_rpc_http_serverAsynchrounous HTTP JSON-RPC server implemented using libmicrohttpd and libjsoncpp
 Ccbdc::logging::logGeneralized logging class
 Ccbdc::atomizer::make_block_requestPlaceholder struct for a make block state machine request
 Ccbdc::atomizer::make_block_responseResponse from atomizer state machine to a make block request
 Ccbdc::network::message_tReceived message type
 Ccbdc::raft::nodeA node in a raft cluster
 Ccbdc::hashing::nullUses the raw value of a provided hash as an STL data structure hash key
 Ccbdc::config::optionsProject-wide configuration options
 Ccbdc::transaction::out_pointThe unique identifier of a specific output from a transaction
 Ccbdc::transaction::outputAn output of a transaction
 Ccbdc::transaction::validation::output_errorAn error that may occur when sentinels validate transaction outputs
 Ccbdc::config::parserReads configuration parameters line-by-line from a file
 Ccbdc::network::peerMaintains a TCP socket
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::prepare_requestPrepare request message
 Ccbdc::atomizer::prune_requestPrune blocks request for RPC and state machine
 Ccbdc::random_sourceGenerates pseudo-random numbers from a given entropy source
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::replicated_get_tickets_requestMessage for retrieving unfinished tickets from the replicated state machine
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::replicated_prepare_requestMessage for replicating a prepare request
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::replicated_shard_interfaceInterface for replicating internal state for prepared and committed tickets managed by a locking shard
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::rpc::requestRequest to a shard
 Ccbdc::rpc::request< T >RPC request message
 Ccbdc::watchtower::requestRPC request message to the watchtower external endpoint
 Ccbdc::rpc::response< T >RPC response message
 Ccbdc::watchtower::responseRPC response message from the watchtower external endpoint
 Ccbdc::rlp_valueThis class contains a value that can be serialized into, or was deserialized from, a Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoded representation
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::rollback_requestRollback request message
 Ccbdc::serializerInterface for serializing objects into and out of raw bytes representations
 Ccbdc::coordinator::rpc::serverRPC server for a coordinator
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::serverRPC server for a runtime locking shard
 Ccbdc::rpc::server< Request, Response, InBuffer, OutBuffer >Generic RPC server
 Ccbdc::sentinel::rpc::serverRPC server for a sentinel
 Ccbdc::rpc::server< Request, Response, buffer, buffer >
 Ccbdc::rpc::server< rpc::request, rpc::response, nuraft::buffer &, nuraft::ptr< nuraft::buffer > >
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::rpc::server_interfaceServer interface for an agent
 Ccbdc::shard::shardDatabase shard representing a fraction of the UTXO set
 Ccbdc::sentinel::shard_infoSentinel-specific representation of shard network information
 Ccbdc::coordinator::controller::sm_commandA full command for the state machine to process
 Ccbdc::coordinator::controller::sm_command_headerMetadata of a command for the state machine
 Ccbdc::atomizer::state_machine::snapshotRepresents a snapshot of the state machine with associated metadata
 Ccbdc::network::socketGeneric superclass for network sockets
 Ccbdc::network::socket_selectorWaits on a group of blocking sockets to be ready for read operations
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::status_interfaceInterface for querying the read-only state of a locking shard
 Ccbdc::watchtower::status_request_check_successIndicates a successful check request, sent with a StatusUpdateResponse
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::rpc::status_serverServer for handling TX and UHS ID status requests
 Ccbdc::watchtower::status_update_requestNetwork request to interact with the Watchtower's status update service
 Ccbdc::watchtower::status_update_stateRepresents the internal state of an ongoing status update request
 Ccbdc::parsec::agent::runner::storage_keyType for account storage keys
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::replicated_shard_interface::ticket_typeTicket date stored in the replicated state machine
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::rpc::try_lock_requestTry lock request message
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::txTransaction type processed by locking shards
 Ccbdc::watchtower::tx_errorWrapper for transaction errors
 Ccbdc::watchtower::tx_error_incompleteIndicates that the atomizer did not receive enough attestations for a particular transaction from shards before it had to clean up the transaction and free up space for others
 Ccbdc::watchtower::tx_error_inputs_dneIndicates a shard that tried to process a given transaction could not locate one or more of the transaction's inputs it expected to possess
 Ccbdc::watchtower::tx_error_inputs_spentIndicates that the given transaction contains one or more inputs that have already been spent in other transactions sent to the atomizer
 Ccbdc::watchtower::tx_error_stxo_rangeIndicates that a shard did not attest to this transaction recently enough for the atomizer to check it against the STXO cache
 Ccbdc::watchtower::tx_error_syncIndicates a shard that tried to process a given transaction was out of sync with the atomizer, and the transaction should be retried
 Ccbdc::atomizer::tx_notify_requestTransaction notification message
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::rpc::tx_status_requestRPC message for clients to use to request the status of a TX ID
 Ccbdc::locking_shard::rpc::uhs_status_requestRPC message for clients to use to request the status of a UHS ID
 Ccbdc::transaction::walletCryptographic wallet for digital currency assets and secrets
 Ccbdc::watchtower::watchtowerService to answer client requests for processing status updates on submitted transactions
 Ccbdc::transaction::validation::witness_errorAn error that may occur when sentinels validate witness commitments
 Ccbdc::parsec::runtime_locking_shard::wounded_detailsDetails about wounded error code