OpenCBDC Transaction Processor
▼Ncbdc | |
►Narchiver | |
►Natomizer | |
►Nconfig | |
►Ncoordinator | |
►Nhashing | |
►Nlocking_shard | |
►Nlogging | |
►Nnetwork | |
►Nparsec | |
►Nraft | |
►Nrpc | |
►Nsentinel | |
►Nsentinel_2pc | |
►Nshard | |
►Ntransaction | |
►Nwatchtower | |
Catomizer_client | Client for interacting with the atomizer architecture |
Cblocking_queue_internal | Thread-safe producer-consumer FIFO queue supporting multiple concurrent producers and consumers |
Cbuffer | Buffer to store and retrieve byte data |
Cbuffer_serializer | Serializer implementation for buffer |
Ccache_set | Thread-safe set with a maximum size |
Cclient | External client for sending new transactions to the system |
Cistream_serializer | Implementation of serializer for reading from a std::istream |
Cnuraft_serializer | Implements serializer for nuraft::buffer |
Costream_serializer | Implementation of serializer for writing to a std::ostream |
Coverloaded | Variant handler template |
Crandom_source | Generates pseudo-random numbers from a given entropy source |
Crlp_value | This class contains a value that can be serialized into, or was deserialized from, a Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoded representation |
Cserializer | Interface for serializing objects into and out of raw bytes representations |
Csize_serializer | Utility class for determining the size of a buffer needed to serialize a sequence of objects |
Cstream_serializer | Implementation of serializer for std::ios |
Cthread_pool | |
Ctwophase_client | Client for interacting with the 2PC architecture |