14 return packet << tx.m_tx;
18 return packet >> tx.m_tx;
23 return packet << p.m_dtx_id << p.m_params;
28 return packet >> p.m_dtx_id >> p.m_params;
34 return packet << p.m_tx_id;
39 return packet >> p.m_tx_id;
45 return packet << p.m_uhs_id;
50 return packet >> p.m_uhs_id;
Interface for serializing objects into and out of raw bytes representations.
auto operator>>(serializer &deser, parsec::agent::rpc::request &req) -> serializer &
auto operator<<(serializer &ser, const parsec::agent::rpc::request &req) -> serializer &
RPC message for clients to use to request the status of a TX ID.
RPC message for clients to use to request the status of a UHS ID.
Transaction type processed by locking shards.