8#include "crypto/sha256.h"
23 auto to_uint64(
const evmc::uint256be& v) -> uint64_t {
24 return evmc::load64be(&v.bytes[
sizeof(v.bytes) -
27 auto to_hex(
const evmc::address& addr) -> std::string {
28 return evmc::hex(evmc::bytes(addr.bytes,
31 auto to_hex(
const evmc::bytes32& b) -> std::string {
32 return evmc::hex(evmc::bytes(b.bytes,
37 auto b_vec = std::vector<uint8_t>();
38 b_vec.resize(
39 std::memcpy(b_vec.data(), &b.bytes[0],
41 while(offset < b_vec.size() && b_vec.at(offset) == 0x00) {
44 if(offset >=
sizeof(b.bytes)) {
49 = evmc::hex(evmc::bytes(&b_vec.at(offset), b_vec.size() - offset));
50 if(str.substr(0, 1) ==
"0") {
61 for(
size_t i = 0; i <= 4; i += 2) {
64 std::memcpy(uint16_buf.data(), hash.data_at(i), 2);
67 static constexpr uint16_t bloom_bits = 0x07FF;
68 auto bit_to_set = byte_pair & bloom_bits;
69 auto bit_index = bloom_bits - bit_to_set;
70 constexpr auto bits_in_byte = 8;
71 auto byte_index =
static_cast<size_t>(bit_index / bits_in_byte);
72 auto bit_value =
73 1 << ((bits_in_byte - 1) - (bit_index % bits_in_byte)));
75 std::memcpy(&bloom_byte, bloom.
data_at(byte_index), 1);
76 bloom_byte |= bit_value;
77 std::memcpy(bloom.
data_at(byte_index), &bloom_byte, 1);
82 -> std::optional<evmc::uint256be> {
84 if(!maybe_bytes.has_value()) {
87 auto ret = evmc::uint256be();
88 auto& bytes = maybe_bytes.value();
89 if(bytes.size() >
sizeof(ret)) {
93 tmp.extend(
94 std::memcpy(tmp.data_at(
sizeof(ret) - bytes.size()),
97 std::memcpy(&ret.bytes[0], tmp.data(), tmp.size());
102 const std::shared_ptr<logging::log>& log,
103 const std::shared_ptr<parsec::broker::interface>& broker) ->
bool {
104 log->info(
"Initializing init addresses");
107 static constexpr uint64_t decimals = 1000000000000000000;
108 static constexpr uint64_t initial_mint = 1000000;
110 = evmc::uint256be(initial_mint) * evmc::uint256be(decimals);
113 auto successes = std::vector<std::future<bool>>();
115 for(
const auto& init_addr_hex :
117 log->info(
"Seeding address ", init_addr_hex);
119 auto seed_success = std::make_shared<std::promise<bool>>();
120 auto seed_fut = seed_success->get_future();
121 successes.emplace_back(std::move(seed_fut));
126 [seed_success](
bool s) {
127 seed_success->set_value(s);
130 log->error(
"Error requesting seeding account");
135 for(
auto& f : successes) {
136 auto seed_res = f.get();
138 log->error(
"Error during seeding");
Buffer to store and retrieve byte data.
auto data() -> void *
Returns a raw pointer to the start of the buffer data.
static auto from_hex(const std::string &hex) -> std::optional< cbdc::buffer >
Creates a new buffer from the provided hex string.
static auto from_hex_prefixed(const std::string &hex, const std::string &prefix="0x") -> std::optional< buffer >
Creates a new buffer from the provided hex string optionally prefixed with a prefix sequence.
auto size() const -> size_t
Returns the number of bytes contained in the buffer.
auto data_at(size_t offset) -> void *
Returns a raw pointer to the start of the buffer data.
auto mint_initial_accounts(const std::shared_ptr< logging::log > &log, const std::shared_ptr< parsec::broker::interface > &broker) -> bool
Mints a set of initial accounts with funds, bypassing the agent.
auto to_hex_trimmed(const evmc::bytes32 &b, const std::string &prefix) -> std::string
auto to_hex(const evmc::address &addr) -> std::string
auto uint256be_from_hex(const std::string &hex) -> std::optional< evmc::uint256be >
Generates a uint256be from a hex string.
void add_to_bloom(cbdc::buffer &bloom, const cbdc::buffer &entry)
Adds an entry to a bloom value.
auto to_uint64(const evmc::uint256be &v) -> uint64_t
Converts an uint256be to a uint64_t, ignoring higher order bits.
const std::vector< std::string > init_addresses_for_testing
List of initial addresses to mint accounts for testing.
auto put_row(const std::shared_ptr< broker::interface > &broker, broker::key_type key, broker::value_type value, const std::function< void(bool)> &result_callback) -> bool
Asynchronously inserts the given row into the cluster.
auto from_buffer(nuraft::buffer &buf) -> std::optional< T >
Deserialize object of given type from a nuraft::buffer.
@ buffer
A singular RLP value (byte array)
auto keccak_data(const void *data, size_t len) -> hash_t
Calculates the Keccak256 hash of the specified data.
auto make_buffer(const T &obj) -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< B, nuraft::ptr< nuraft::buffer > >, nuraft::ptr< nuraft::buffer > >
Serialize object into nuraft::buffer using a cbdc::nuraft_serializer.